To see details of Tanya's most recent writing project click here.

Maurice Roeves and Anna Mottram in Inside Out of Mind
Tanya Myers as playwright - Meeting ground productions 1986 -2011
1984 The fence – pub by Methuen. Performed London Riverside Studios and Greenham Common
1988/89 -Dance for the Girls directed with Tamzin Griffin – National ACGB tour /Midland group/ Magdalena International theatre Festival: a study of ancestral possession
1988 -Pushing On – large scale street choreography commissioned by Nott’s City Council for 200 women with pushchairs /wheelchairs: in collaboration with local nurseries and disabled awareness groups.
1994 - Falling Angels written/dir by Tanya Myers – ACGB National tour: Adult fairy tale explores religion and family taboos.
1996 – Florence Remembered – 4 generations; grandmother, daughter and grand daughter perform at Magdalena International festival in Koreja Italy and Cardiff- ‘saying goodbye to great-grandmother – Florence’ - who committed suicide at the age of 74.
2006 – Shoes dir by Tom Wright. Nottingham Arts Theatre:Performed with daughter Lily to mark rite of passage; ‘leaving home’.
2008/10 Small Waves – dir by Tom Wright: Powerhouse studio/ Methodica Theatre Vancouver
2009 -Sail Away: explores themes of ageing & fears of dying.
2011 -Promise to my Mother - winner Olympic Sound Spiral - Babel Spring 2
2011- Inside Out of Mind: Created from 600,000 words of ethnographic research conducted in dementia care wards, the play received unanimous acclaim when it was premiered at Lakeside Arts Centre, University of Nottingham, in June 2013,
Until recently I was chair of the Arts Council East Midlands and as part of that I have seen a lot of theatre, and I just want to say that I think Inside Out of Mind is the most beautiful, and moving, and frightening, and disturbing piece that I have seen for a very long time. Francois Matarasso